

私がアラスカの高校に留学していた頃、host Momが毎週末とっても美味しいパンケーキを焼いてくれていました。その味が懐かしくなって、Joelにも食べてもらいたいと思い、Momにレシピを聞いてみました!

ちなみに卵とバターの風味がすごく良いパンケーキなので、私は何もつけずにそのまま食べたり、それに飽きたらほんのちょっとだけ蜂蜜をかけたりcurrant (スグリ)berryのジャムを付けて食べたりしてます☆おいし〜〜い!!

Sweet Dough Pancakes:
Beat 1 egg until fluffy, beat in remaining ingredients (1 cup flour, 3/4 cup milk, 2 Tablespoons shortening, 1 Tablespoon sugar, 3 Teaspoons baking powder and 1/2 Teaspoon salt). Pour 3 Tablespoons batter onto greased hot griddle. Cook pancake until puffy and dry around the edges. Turn over and cook until golden brown. Serve with butter and syrup. Makes nine-4 inch pancakes.

Sourdough Starter:
· 1 (.25 ounce) package active dry yeast
· 2 cups warm water
· 2 cups all-purpose flour
1. In large non-metallic bowl, mix together dry yeast, 2 cups warm water, and 2 cups all-purpose flour and cover loosely.
2. Leave in a warm place to ferment, 4 to 8 days. Depending on temperature and humidity of kitchen, times may vary. Place on cookie sheet in case of overflow. Check on occasionally.
3. When mixture is bubbly and has a pleasant sour smell, it is ready to use. If mixture has a pink, orange, or any other strange color tinge to it, THROW IT OUT! and start over. Keep it in the refrigerator, covered until ready to bake.
4. When you use starter to bake, always replace with equal amounts of a flour and water mixture with a pinch of sugar. So, if you remove 1-cup starter, replace with 1-cup water and 1 cup flour. Mix well and leave out on the counter until bubbly again, then refrigerate. If a clear to light brown liquid has accumulated on top, don't worry, this is an alcohol base liquid that occurs with fermentation. Just stir this back into the starter, the alcohol bakes off and that wonderful sourdough flavor remains! Sourdough starters improve with age, they used to be passed down generation to generation!